Complete Fleet Management Software: Vehicle Tracking Solutions & Fleet Monitoring
Boost profits & reduce delays by monitoring your fleet with our fleet management & tracking system.

GPS vehicle tracking system & Live alerts for customers
Fleet tracking app for customers and fleet managers to monitor fleet status real-time on google maps, thus providing them with an UBER like experience. Keep your customers updated throughout the fleet delivery lifecycle by sending them real-time SMS alerts at various stages. Reduce Vehicle Downtime and boost efficiency with our vehicle tracking software.
Route Optimization to reduce Fleet run time & cost
Our route optimization engine picks the shortest & fastest routes helping you manage multiple fleets with cost reduction and efficiency. Reduced ETAs on fleet delivery ensure an exceptional client service experience.

Manage Fleet operations with a single Dashboard
Smart dashboard to receive & manage fleet delivery orders from all sources at a single place. Track complete fleet order fulfillment cycle from order received to fleet dispatch to fleet delivery. Take in time actions like sending alerts & reminders as per use cases. Complete fleet management tracking solutions
Fleet availability & Auto dispatch
Monitor fleet availability for order servicing and keep a check on fleet capacity. Map your entire fleet on Manager’s dashboard to check fleet availability and schedules. Advance planning to ensure full capacity utilization and no business loss. Auto dispatch to the idle fleet as per route matches and alerts sent to corresponding fleet driver. Complete fleet management solutions.

Ratings & Reviews
Allow your clients to share reviews in an easy, quick & non-intrusive way. Manage ratings for various fleet orders and fleet drivers to make a brand out of your business. Enable customers to share the good word about you on social media & other relevant portals and create some buzz.
Fleet / Driver performance management
Monitor fleet running time, fleet frequencies or number of monthly runs, ratings & reviews, fleet downtime, cases of delays and non fulfilment, and much more to help you take complete control of your business.